Friskie Morris Sessions

Album Review Roundtable: July-Sept. 2016 w/ Zak (Sleeping Under 47) & Adam (Hotlips Messiah)



Album Review Roundtable (July-September 2016). All releases are available on Bandcamp and all bands have a Facebook page. This episode's guest reviewer's are Zak (Sleeping Under 47 & Uncle Chuck Records) and Adam (Hotlips Messiah & EZ Kebage) Track listing of featured artists (Band Name "Name of Album" track featured on episode) 1. Earth Girls “Wanderlust” Say Goodnight 2. Nonnie Parry “Democide” Dead Energy 3. Otto Man “Lousy Weather” Bottom Shelf 4. Wayside Story “Young Adult Fiction” Silver Lining 5. The Graveyard Shift “Demolitions” Old Haunts 6. Bumsy & The Moochers “Easily Distracted EP” JP Knows How To Party 7. Tough Comfort “August Demos” Bunk Ecstasy 8. Coronary “Coronary EP” Coronary 9. Black Nail “Black Nail” The Vultures Are Waiting To Pick Yr Bones 10. The Christmas Bride “Planet Earth’s Motto: Somebody Just Shit Out A Perfect Sphere” New Hit Mekanik 11. Brick Assassin “Bite The Hand That Feeds” Piles & Piles 12. Clearance “Are You Aware 7in” Are You Aware 13. More Gorgeous “Wormtoe” Exploit