Little Bibliophile




Okay, world, we are gonna try something new today. This time I have not scripted my intro at all because I kinda just feel like jumping into this. This is Little Bibliophile, by the way; it's a podcast that I make with some awesome stories in it. So, I hope you enjoy. Um, today is February 15th. I did pick out a Valentine's Day story, but then it ended up being too cheesey and I really didn't want to do it. But this next piece I have picked out is kind of a love story, I think; at least, that's what I get from it. But it would definitely be a nontraditional kind. Anyway. It's actually not a story either, but I find that very appropriate as it is February. For those of you who aren't literary nerds, February is National Poetry month, which is a very exciting time for me. So, instead of a short story, we have what is called a “prose poem.” Prose poetry, for those of you who don't know, are like paragraphs, that are beautifully written. And because they have sort of a lyrical, poetical quality, they're not just