Unconventional Lifestyles

007 - Lenny Lind. Live from El Salvador!



This is a bit of a different episode because Lenny and I have never met before and this is our first conversation that we have ever had but the correlations in our lives are paramount. Lenny current lives on the side of a volcano in El Salvador. I have lived on the side of a volcano in antarctica. Lenny has spent time in Antartica as well on an expedition climbing one of the highest peaks on the continent. Lenny had an “ah ha” moment in Baja Mexico, and he soon after landed his photography dream job with United Airlines. This is interesting to me because it is very close to the place that I am going to inhabit for the first part of 2017. Lenny has experience in the aviation sector as a pilot, while I am not a pilot I have spent the last several years around aviation from military grade operations to small air taxi services and beyond. Although Lenny and I have a lot in common, I have barely breached the surface of what he has accomplished in his short time on this earth. Lenny runs a very successful