Starseed Radio With Jonah Bolt

Edward Hall III & Portal to Ascension



DAILY QUOTE: “Spirituality does not teach us to run away from everyday life issues & problems. It is a training to pass through the difficulties and issues and face them bravely. It helps us to become whole and to behave efficiently. Spiritual life is a practical life.” – Satish Kaku PORTAL TO ASCENSION: Neil Gaur – Portal to Ascension has been created to assist humanity in the awakening process. We exist in a time where the collective consciousness of our planet is shifting into a new state of awareness; based on the principles of unity, transparency, integrity and unconditional love. We create worldwide events, both online and in person, exploring consciousness, self-empowerment, sound and vibration, ET disclosure, ancient civilizations, quantum mechanics, metaphysics, conscious living and spirituality. We have set forth to be the educational and inspirational platform for a new paradigm that is now emerging. We serve as facilitators of awareness. SPECIAL GUEST: Edward Twitchell Hall III – Ted is an art