Dr. Friedemann Schaub

From Victimhood to Victory: Uncovering Your Power | ES167



Nobody wants to be labeled a victim, yet most of us can feel victimized when aspects of our life seem out of control and we cannot change the situations or people we are dealing with.Although nothing is wrong with feeling victimized, the problem starts when the sense of powerlessness that comes with it becomes our identity - when we believe that life is done to us and that we don’t create our own reality.We stop trying to change - and even worse, stop believing in ourselves.This week’s episode of Empowerment Solutions explores why we end up in perpetual victim mode and how to grow beyond it.Learn the four common signs of victim mode and how to overcome them.Meet Dr. Friedemann:Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD, is the award-winning author of The Fear + Anxiety Solution. Dr. Schaub has helped thousands of people with his Personal Breakthrough and Empowerment program to overcome their fear and anxiety by addressing the deeper, subconscious root causes of these emotional challenges.--Learn more at: https://DrFriedeman