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SACRIFICE THE PRICE FOR SUCCESS - pt1 - Sacrifice - The Price For Success



In “Sacrifice – The Price For Success”, Rodney shares that God has a plan for your life. God’s plan is big. If you ever get a sense of God’s plan for your life, you want to be successful. For many, the difference between missing out on God’s best and success in their life, ministry, and success in fulfilling God’s plan for their life is the amount of sacrifice someone is willing to pay. Most everyone wants perks and rewards, but fewer are willing to sacrifice what it will take to be successful in reaching their dream. What is your dream? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to see it come to pass? Hopefully your dream is to follow the plan of God for your life. Salvation is free, but discipleship and leadership is costly. As you mature in faith, and in your leadership there will be more sacrifice that is demanded. The threats to tomorrow’s success are today’s success, and your unwillingness to sacrifice. Every level of success in business, life, or ministry requires you pay a greater price fo