
P-Cubed Episode 3: Four Horses of the (Mayan) Apocalypse



Ever consider building a nuclear reactor out of a banana? Yes? Excellent! Come join us to talk about other ways you can bring upon your own apocalypse. This coming winter solstice (21st December 2012) is Happy New Year for the Mayan Long Count Calender. We discuss some of the social anxiety that surrounds the media driven mass hysteria relating to this event. Re: title - Yes, we are well aware that the Mayans did not have horses News story: NASA warns Mayan apocalypse stories pose threat to frightened children and suicidal teenagers http://goo.gl/jRDr6 HowStuffWorks: http://people.howstuffworks.com/mayan-calendar.htm NASA End of World: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012.html Retraction by Mehmet: The Mayans weren't a South American culture, they were in fact a Mesoamerican Culture.