Time 4 T With Claire Parker

Time 4 T - 18th May 2014



-Can you be transgender and still practice your faith in the UK? We talk to Will Mason and pastor Michael Hydes about why the Church seems to have a real hang up with trans people. -Trans people are popping up all over the media these days it seems but are we represented fairly. Activist and member of Trans Media Watch Helen Belcher is with and we discuss strategy and how to best control interactions. -Helping us dive into this month's trans news and tell us all about what it means to be a trans writer for among others the Guardian, News Statesmen and the Huff is Columnist Jane Fae. -All this and plenty of music to oil our way, here on Time 4 T. Music From Waren Zevon - Werewolves of London Chicago - I'm a Man Janis Joplin - Summertime Prodigy - Stand Up Elton John - American Triangle Climax Blues Band - Running out of Time