Pubcast Worldwide

Ep. 53 | Mexican Craft Beer Edition | Live from Mexico City, Mexico



Looking for some cerveza? Then you’re in the right place, because we’re heading down to Mexico City for this special Mexican Craft Beer Edition of Pubcast Worldwide! Pablo Armando Aguilar Reyna is a Beer Sommelier and the Founder of Gremio Mexicano de Cervecerxs, the Mexican Craft Brewers Guild. As we sip on some of Mexico’s finest Vienna lager, Pablo takes us through the evolution of craft beer in Mexico and describes how their food & culinary scene is a catalyst for the spread of great beer in Mexico. If you’re not drooling and hopping on a plane to Mexico after this episode is done, then we didn’t do our job. Salud! After you listen, make sure to head over to to leave a comment and sign-up for the monthly “Brewsletter.” Cheers!