Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast With Jeff Sieh

Instagram Tools and Tactics with Peg Fitzpatrick



If you pick up a rock and throw it, you'll probably hit a social media marketer who is talking all about the changes that happened recently on Instagram.   If you're not a marketing nerd, here's the skinny… you now can share multiple photos and videos in one post on Instagram.   With this update, you no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember. Now, you can combine up to 10 photos and videos in one post and swipe through to see them all.   Good idea?  Will this kill all that is good about Instagram?  Come watch Peg Fitzpatrick and myself discuss it on today's show!   Peg Fitzpatrick is the new Director of Content Strategy & Social Media at Tailwind. She is also the co-author of The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users with Guy Kawasaki.  She’s been seen on Time Inc., Huffington Post, Inc. Magazine, and NPR’s Tech Nation. She also runs social media campaigns for some of the top companies around. She’s spearheaded successful social media campaig