Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast With Jeff Sieh

Live Video Updates with Ian Anderson Gray



Should my business try doing live video?  Is there special software or equipment that I need? Can I broadcast to just my Facebook group?   We have more options and opportunities with live video than ever before.   But is Live video right for you and your business?   Join live video expert Ian Anderson Gray and Jeff Sieh as they discuss recent updates and tactics for using live video for your business.   Ian Anderson Gray is the founder of Seriously Social; a blog focused on social media tools. He’s a speaker, trainer, teacher, web developer, and consultant. He has a passion for turning the techno-babble of social media marketing into plain English. Ian is a co-founder of Select Performers – a family run web agency. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.