:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 33: The Generosity Rule



What if generosity was simple? What if it was less painful? Would it change your perceptions and perhaps cause you to consider becoming more generous? This week we bring some balance and clarity to a subject that usually causes us to be a little uneasy. Join us for a fresh look at generosity and the new perspective may just have you smiling as you give. Tune in each week on Wednesday as we take a look back at our prior weeks message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. To watch the message that coincides with this episode go to our web site: http://hospitalchurch.org/sermon/the-generosity-rule/. You can also watch and listen on our new #fhcAPP! Download today via the Apple App Store: https://appsto.re/us/pqa9fb.i OR Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluebridgechurches.floridahospitalchurchWe will take your questions and comments by text message at 407-965-1607 or by email at podcast@hospitalchur