:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 45: Triumph and Tears



Jesus makes a spectacle. Something is up. He comes like a king riding into Jerusalem. But then, at maybe the height of the festivities surrounding this ride, he stops. In this moment of reflection, a tear doesn’t just trickle from his eye; he nearly falls off his ride as he sways in agony with a heartfelt cry. There is contrast because he cares, and he is sad for those who won’t allow him to be their Saving King.Our final #fhcTAKEAWAYS this week asked the question: Jesus found a comfortable place to be in Mary, Martha and Lazarus home. Where is your comfortable place? We all want to have a place to go to when we need spiritual rest and we are asking you to share the details of "your place”. We would love to share your ideas with someone searching for a place of their own. Send us your thoughts and comments and questions via:■ Text: 407-965-1607■ Email: podcast@hospitalchurch.org■ FHC Mobile App: Use Text and Email links in Podcast tab■ Social Media: #fhcPODCAST / #fhcTAKEAWAYSTune in every Wednes