Prepping Academy

Chris Dwulet from, Plus some PrepperNet updates.



Welcome to The Prepping Academy Podcast! We are honored to have Chris Dwulet from as our special guest in this episode. The show begins with our host, Garvin, providing essential updates on PrepperNet and exciting upcoming PrepperNet events. These events are a must-attend for all preppers, offering valuable opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and expand our preparedness knowledge.After the updates, Garvin shares a recent experience that impacted his life. He shares the details of his emergency room visit and hospital stay, which initially raised concerns about a possible stroke. Fortunately, after a thorough medical examination, it turned out to be less severe, and we're delighted to report that Garvin has fully recovered. This is a powerful reminder of the importance of being prepared for personal emergencies, regardless of whether SHTF scenarios are on the horizon.The conversation then shifts to our main topic of discussion: Suburban Prepping. Garvin and Chris explore prepper