Vidya By Pia & Bart

45. Simplicity



In today’s conversation, we explore the concept of simplicity and how it differs in our perceptions. We share our personal associations with simplicity and discuss contrasting notions of simplicity and complexity in various aspects of life, such as travel, lifestyle, possessions, and relationships. As we delve deeper, we realize that simplicity can be considered internal and external. Internally, we aim to reduce worry and declutter our minds, while externally, we strive for fewer possessions and intentional decision-making. We appreciate the benefits of simplicity, including reduced stress, enhanced mindfulness, and improved sleep. However, we acknowledge that simplicity is subjective and can be pursued in different ways based on our individual values, preferences, and circumstances. Ultimately, we believe that embracing simplicity, whether in thought, possessions, or lifestyle, may bring a sense of ease, mindfulness, and reduced worry to our lives.