Higher Ed Now

Student Voices: United By Our Differences



Higher Ed Now is pleased to launch a new series of student-driven podcast conversations issuing from the College Debates and Discourse (CD&D) Alliance – a national initiative led by ACTA, Braver Angels, and BridgeUSA. ACTA's program manager for the CD&D Alliance, Sadie Webb, will host the series to showcase students across the nation who are leading a movement to promote civil discourse, depolarizing debates, and free expression on college campuses.   In July 2023, the CD&D Alliance team gathered at the University of Denver for a symposium bringing together faculty leaders and student fellows from ten colleges and universities that are participating in a two-year $1.3 million research project, funded by the John Templeton Foundation. This multifaceted project explores the effects of Braver Angels debates and discourse on campus communities – and student leaders have a major role in driving it. Joining Ms. Webb in today’s episode are three student fellows in the Templeton project. They include Jord