Finding Your Souls Path And Staying The Course With Rev. Maxi Harper

Magical, Mystical, Magnificent, Miraculous Merkaba 05/18/10



Welcome to Finding Your Souls Path and Staying the Course. Just like anything in life, identifying, understanding, studying, discipline and application are the key to progress and success. This is extremely true when awakening to your self and doing your inner work. It may be the hardest thing you ever do, but the most fruitful and lasting. 
Maxi, her quests, and her listeners will co-create on subjects that relate to improving the life experience through creativity, inventions, self help, entrepreneurials, new modalities, security, relationships, products and services that advance our high consciousness, guidance, prayers, cutting edge on channeled information of the spiritual/metaphysical/reality realms, finding our voice and celebrating our differences, and universal love here on earth. We will feed our souls, tantalize our minds, and open our hearts. Because if we want things to improve, we need to speak up... keeping silent is a voice of agreement.