Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

Herzl vs. Ahad Ha’am



Herzl vs. Ahad Ha’amThere is an old saying that “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” We deeply believe that knowing the history of Zionist debate brings a richness of perspective and understanding to the issues that we face today. So we submit for your approval one of the first deep debates that divided the Zionist world. In past episodes when we’ve mentioned Ahad Ha’am in passing, listeners have contacted us to know who he was. But before Herzl, he was arguably the intellectual leader of the Zionist movement. Then Herzl published “The Jewish State” and began the Zionist Congress, becoming the undisputed center of all Zionist energy. Ahad Ha’am wasn’t shy about explaining what he considered to be Herzl’s wrongheadedness. What was the disagreement? How has history proven their positions to be right or wrong? How and why are they still so relevant to today’s Israel? Matt explains the Herzl position, and Mike presents Ahad Ha’am. Our special guest host this week is the young scholar Avigayil Un