This Week In Amateur Radio

PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio #1276



PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1276 Release Date: August 12, 2023 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's edition is anchored by Chris Perrine, KB2FAF, Terry Saunders, N1KIN, Denny Haight, NZ8D, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Dave Wilson, WA2HOY, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, Bob Donlon, W3BOO, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX. Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS. Approximate Running Time: 2:10:51 Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service: Podcast Download: Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service 1. FCC: FCC Launches Technical Inquiry Into Using AI and Other Tools to Manage Spectrum 2. Would We Recognize Extraterrestrial Technology If We Saw It? 3. AMSAT: AMSAT At Huntsville Hamfest August 19-20, 2023 4. AMSAT: International Amateur Radio Union Coordinates Two Digipeating Satellites 5. AMSAT: SpaceX Launches Worlds Heaviest Communications Satellite 6. NASA: NASA Successfully Reestablishes Communicatio