The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

528 Can The EQ Boss Get Results When Leading?



The contrast was striking.  I went from one boss, who was super demanding, scary even, to a very easy going leader.  I thought, “this is good”, well, at least for a while. When I realised that he would agree with whoever was last in his office, I realised there was no core here.  He was being nice to all and that meant he wasn’t taking any hard decisions, potentially upsetting some people.  You would convince him on some course of action and then a colleague would waltz into his office and then next thing you know, the positions have been reversed. What is going on here, I wondered? Was the first leader an Emotional Quotient EQ leader.  Certainly not.  He was a despot and a he ruled with an iron rod.  You always knew where you stood with him and if he agreed to something, then he would stick with that decision.  He was scary, but predictable.  The second leader was definitely the EQ type – very caring, very sensitive to people’s feelings, considerate.  He was unpredictable, because he was so easily swayed by