Enterprise Java Newscast

Stackd 66: Streams, Messages, Events, and a Java User Group



Ian, Kito, and Josh are joined by Java Champion, Streaming Developer Advocate at DataStax, and President of Chicago-JUG, Mary Grygleski. They discuss news about Capacitor, Angular, PrimeNG Designer for Tailwind, JetBraiins Compose Multiplatform for iOS, JDK 21,  AI developer tools, Jakarta EE 10, and more. Kito announces the work he is doing on the Jakarta EE Tutorial, and then they delve into Mary’s background and event streaming with Apache Pulsar, plus tools like Apache Pinot, Apache Flink, RisingWave, ByteWax and Apache Cassandra. We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Front End  - Announcing Capacitor 5.0 - Ionic Blog (https://ionic.io/blog/announcing-capacitor-5)  - Angular v16 is here! (https://blog.angular.io/angular-v16-is-here-4d7a28ec680d)  - Compose Multiplatform (https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2023/05/compose-multiplatform-for-ios-is-in-alpha/)  - PrimeNG Designer - Tailwind (Q3 2023) (https://www.primefaces.org/primeng-theme-designer-with-tailwind/) S