Understanding Your Significance | Jesus Revolution | After The Movies (Pt. 3)



Every summer at Echo.Church we unpack the stories behind some of our favorite films, how they speak to our lives and faith. While our services go live at we are continuing the discussion right here about the movies and about the messages of our series.Have you been questioning whether or not God is real or still active in your life? Maybe you have gone through the loss of a job or you have a health condition that has been keeping you down. Maybe your finances have taken a turn for the worse or you are in such a fragile emotional state that you are one moment away from being pushed over the edge.Are you trying out many different ways to find peace? Of course, you are personally signification to Jesus. You matter to Him. He is right beside you waiting for you to let Him change everything for you and touch lives through you.Leave a comment or question and we'd love to connect! ------------------- ENCOURAGE SOMEONE TODAY → If you found this video helpful, SHARE IT with a friend! Li