Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police Officer's Nightmare, Murder Of Her Partner, Patrick Prohm.



Police Officer's Nightmare, Murder Of Her Partner, Patrick Prohm. She Tells What Happened, Her Pain, Treatment By The Department, The Injustice After. Plus, Her Journey to Build Her Life After the Murder of Police Officer Patrick Prohm.  Detroit Police Officer Patrick Prohm stopped a stolen car on January 9, 1996, that he and other officers did not know was being driven by suspects in an earlier shooting. One of the suspects shot Officer Prohm in the head, killing him. Retired Detroit Police Officer Donna Wudyka is our guest. She and other officers were on scene, returned fire and arrested the shooter, thinking no shots hit him. The shooter died from a bullet wound to the chest after arriving at the detention area. Police Officer Prohm is survived by his three children, parents, six siblings, nieces, and nephews. Donna talks about the horrible incident, the treatment by the Detroit Police Department after. She also talks about the trauma, and her recovery which led to writing her books, one of which is "Offic