

“The philosopher’s product is his life.” ~NeitzcheThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.This episode is a follow-up to last week’s show MIRACLES!In response to a few comments, I do what I can to set the record straight: I was simply practicing what I was talking about. The understanding that the real miracle is to walk on Earth, not water.Hence, practicality lies in its practice!I was practicing what I was preaching and teaching.The real value of any philosophy lies in its practicality.Is there a way to reaffirm one’s practice?Yes. Track it!How should you track it? Follow the P.A.R.R. methodology.PLAN. ACT. RECORD. & REASSESS.Cue, routine, and reward as a habit development framework was developed based on the study of rodents. You are human.You can, and should, use your innate capacities of choice, intention, and reflection.“But”, you insist, “Tracking is difficult and you’ve tried it before and you end up skipping days and fall off track…” (more excuses)Do you want to practice or give u