Commercial Real Estate Pro Network

The BIGGEST RISK with Chris Larsen



J. Darrin Gross I like to ask you, Chris Larsen, what is the Biggest Risk?   Chris Larsen   Yeah, so I think everybody's talking right now out there, and about interest rates and cash flows. And you can mitigate those, you can lock in interest rates, you can set money, you can increase your reserves that you have out there. And those those are all good things. For sure. But I think the biggest risks that that we face, and we kind of talked about this in an indirect manner. It's people, it's people, you know, do you have the right people on the team? If you're an investor? Are you investing with the right people? Are you investing with somebody who's just a sole operator without partners? What if something happens to them? Obviously, I'm acutely aware of that I lost my father at age five, I lost my best friend in college at the age of 18. So I know that, you know that there's, there's things you need to put into play. So things like life insurance, estate planning, are probably more apparent to me when it come