Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Shut Your Mouth and Sleep Right! Insights on Mouth Taping, Dry Mouth and Breathwork with Anna Marie Gough #447



Repeat guest Anna Marie Gough comes on to talk: mouth taping dry mouth, poor sleep breathwork the science behind breathing right and loads more Anna Marie Gough started her coaching method with one goal in mind: to help people find calm, happiness and balance in their work, relationships, and life. And she does a great job at that. I was so pleased to have her on earlier this year to improve my ice bath game... now she's back to sort out my breathing. Check out Anna's half and full day retreats with healing guidance, breathwork and cold water therapy in Buckinghamshire https://www.annamgough.com/   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BiOptimizers — Four out of five Americans are magnesium deficient, and almost everyone is at suboptimal levels. That’s a big problem because magnesium is involved in more than 600 biochemical reactions in your body. Now here’s what most people DON’T know: taking just any magnesium supplement won’t solve your problem because most supplements use the cheapest kinds that your body can