Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

From Rejection to Success: Ashley Silfies’s Journey on Shark Tank and Oprah's Favorite Things



In this episode, host Belinda Ellsworth interviews Ashley Silfies, co-owner, designer, and CEO of Pink Picasso Kits. Ashley shares her journey in starting Pink Picasso Kits, which are paint by number kits featuring famous artists. Ashley reveals that her business had a significant breakthrough when they appeared on Shark Tank. After applying for funding multiple times, they finally received a call from a producer in 2021. The process of getting on the show involved multiple cuts and requests for paperwork, but Ashley and her partner were eventually flown out and tested multiple times for COVID before taping their episode. She also mentions that their episode aired in November and can be found on Hulu. Ashley emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and working hard, even when no one is watching. She acknowledges the challenges and pressures of owning a business, but emphasizes the need for humility and being open to learning from others. Overall, this episode highlights the journey and success of As