
Sanjeev Pandya CEO Advanced Oncotherapy - the Proton Based Cancer Treatment Tool



Sanjeev Pandya CEO Advanced Oncotherapy talks exclusively to DirectorsTalk about their #proton based #cancer #treatment tool. Time-scales for completion, contracts and further roll out plans. Advanced Oncotherapy's sole focus is to develop technologies to maximise the destructive effect of radiation on tumours whilst minimising damage to healthy tissues. Thier goal is to help healthcare providers and hospitals expand their repertoire of treatments to ensure clinicians and patients have choices. Advanced Oncotherapy's aim is to cost-effectively deliver the next generation of proton #therapy which is clinically superior to the currently available alternative #radiation therapies. Sanjeev Pandya is the CEO of Advanced #Oncotherapy. He joined the Company in October 2013 as COO after working as a consultant for special projects with Dr. Michael Sinclair. Sanjeev trained and practiced as an orthopaedic surgeon in the NHS and the Third World before working as a strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company. He t