Suicide Prevention Australia

17: Meet Clare, a woman who lived 65 years before finding her reason to live



Clare tells us that this podcast is "a suggestion about staying alive long enough to find your special change that will allow you to be so deeply happy that you will want to live forever, made by Clare Headland, a woman who lived for 65 years before finding her reason to live." A video version of this podcast is also available on our YouTube Channel Clare is a member of the SPA Lived Experience Network and is a 'graduate' of our Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Speakers Bureau Program. In this program we help participants construct a compelling story about their lived experience of suicide and give them the skills to adapt that story to suit a wide range of audiences from corporate and community groups, to sporting clubs and schools. Speakers are requested for different reasons from a desire to raise awareness and increase understanding of the impact of suicide to more specific needs such as following a recent suicide within an organisation. Find out more abo