Transformative Principal

Context Gives Meaning with Michael Horn Transformative Principal 547 Summer of AI Series



We are excited to have SchoolAI as a sponsor for the Summer of AI Series on Transformative Principal. Please visit to save your teachers 10 hours per week. Today we are talking with Michael B. Horn about the impact of AI on K12 (and higher) education and it’s level of disruption.  Are students more disengaged because of the pandemic or AI taking over jobs? Anxiety from high school students because it is just far enough away. In every field entry level role becomes something much different. Intermediary places that employ apprentices. Theory of interdependence and modularity. In the early years of a system, different systems have to be done by the same entity. The nature of skills and work is moving so fast Book learning has to be done interdependently with the actual work. willfully blind to the reality. Google has changed the game and so will AI. Combination of human skills with the AI Hard things are still important. Habits of success, social emotional skills, soft skills, etc. What is hard may