Member Supported Restoration Radio

Trad Controversies, Episode 9: A Communion Rail or Guillotine?



Over the past 25+ years, the Society of Pius V has maintained the same position of refusing the sacraments to Catholics who have received sacraments from clergy either from or associated with the line of traditional bishops stemming from Archbishop Thuc. While holding a position over such a period of time is commendable if correct, a false position is not proven true by the length of time held nor is the holding of is so long anything but a tragedy. Such is the case of the SSPV’s policy of refusing sacraments to good Catholics. Father Cekada joins us as we examine the foundation of the SSPV’s argument and prove it has no basis in traditional Catholic principles or practices. Digging into the topic, Father Cekada will guide the listener through the massive smoke and mirrors to the root of the SSPV’s dispute. Much of what we will cover has never been responded to by the SSPV as they have nothing to respond with, and we sincerely hope this episode will clarify the issue for the listener who can with confidence