Rigel 7 Podcast

The Hanged Man



In the occult Tarot, the Hanged Man presents a grotesque image, often misunderstood to represent death, judgment or retribution. But look closely - the hanged man is relaxed, content, even smiling. A halo suggests a vibrant, living spirit. In fact, The Hanged Man is a positive symbol of self-sacrifice; he lets go of the material world in favor of spiritual enlightenment. This macabre picture has become a poignant symbol for me in recent years. With age and professional experience comes the realization that commercial success as a songwriter or independent musician might not be in my cards. Do I give up? Hell, no! Like The Hanged Man, I carry on, not for love of money but for the pure joy of creating and sharing music. What better way to kick off Rigel 7's new donation-based website. It's all about sharing the love, baby. Enjoy!