Therapist Clubhouse A Podcast For Private Practice Entrepreneurs With Annie Schuessler

No More Half-Assed Business Boundaries



In the last episode of Rebel Therapist Podcast, talked to Claire Pelletreau about switching roles with her husband so that she’s no longer the default parent. That change made a REALLY big difference in her business. Because she made that change she’s able to take on big projects, and make more money. And that got me thinking about what boundaries help me take on the big stuff that really makes me happy, makes a big impact and sometimes makes my business lots of money. In that exploration I realized that I go through two steps when I’m creating a new boundary: I realize that I need the boundary. I decide I’m going to insist on protecting that boundary. Until I’ve really made the decision that I’m going to insist on the boundary, it’s pretty hopeless. TRYING to hold a boundary before I’ve fully decided doesn’t do it. That’s a half-assed boundary. In this episode I walk through a couple of examples of boundaries I’ve created recently that are helping increase my joy and capacity. Both of these are about final