Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

Where are we now, after the "Reasonableness" vote?



Note: This is the beginning of season 9, which is season 2 of our new debate format! We decided to get this episode published in a timely fashion. Normally, our debates are meant to be “evergreen” educational discussions about Israel and Zionism. But we’re breaking the format because so many people are asking how to process the Knesset vote this week. What does the removal of the unreasonableness grounds mean for the Supreme Court? For Israeli law, Democracy and society? How should we understand where we are now? What should we expect for the future?Calev hosts and frames the discussion, and Mike and Liel debate whether to be optimistic or pessimistic in this difficult time of division. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsitePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.