Pirate Monk Podcast

377 | Mary Archibeque | Intimacy vs Intensity



On this episode: Aaron with an A and Erin with an E host while Nate is in Alaska. Our Guest: Mary Archibeque - addiction therapist and CSAT. Recovered drug addict turned drug addiction therapist, then gambling addiction therapist, and finally sex addiction therapist. Connecting to others through vulnerability and authenticity; no one cares what you know if they don’t know you care. You can’t care or work harder than the person you are helping. Intensity is a version of false intimacy or trauma bonding. Intimacy should be peaceful. Ask questions to determine if you replaced an addiction with a “healthier” addiction or if you are living healthy. Doing what’s healthy vs. what’s familiar. Links:   Mary at Psychology Today Mary at the Center for Relationship and Healthy Sexuality Sponsor: Life Works Counseling Annual Retreat: 2023 Samson Annual Retreat   If you have thoughts or questions that you'd like the guys to address in upcoming episodes or suggestions for future guests, please drop a note to piratemonkpodca