Compliance Perspectives

Jannica Houben and Travis Waugh on Interactive Policies [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub In a perfect world, whenever employees face a difficult decision or outright compliance issue, the right policy would automatically pop up in front of them. While that is not likely to happen soon, Jannica Houben, Vice President, Global Legal Transformation and Travis Waugh, Director, Training, both at TD SYNNEX can envision a word in which Outlook could spot issues as they are typed, flag them for the employee and give guidance and pointers to where to call for help. Until then, there are still many things compliance teams can do using off the shelf software to automate compliance processes. It’s a topic they explore in the podcast and in greater depth in their Session “Interactive Policies: Using Technology to Enhance Decision-Making” at the 2023 SCCE Compliance & Ethics Institute. So how do you create this automated future? They recommend beginning by thinking not about what tool you want, but what benefits you want the tool to deliver. Think about the value you want to provide and wh