Clutter Free Academy

575 - Best of Series - Back to Basics: How to Declutter Your House Fast



Welcome back to the basics! Kathi Lipp is joined by Roger, her husband and fellow declutterer, and they are here to recap some of the best tips they have discovered about decluttering. How do you declutter quickly? Kathi has an easy to follow decluttering system for you and it only takes 15 minutes. Step 1 - Gather your tools. Kathi likes to use 3 tote bags. One bag is "give away," one bag is "put away," and one bag is "other rooms." The 2 additional bags Kathi adds to the mix are a garbage bag and a recycling bag. Step 2 - Pick a small area. This could be a desk, drawer, or shelf. Make sure it is something so small, you don't have to move your feet for the 15 minutes you are decluttering. This will also limit the number of decisions you have to make and avoid B.S.O. (Bright Shiny Object Syndrome). More decluttering tips from Kathi and Roger: Listen to something dedicated to your declutter time. Kathi listens to the Scientology: Fair Game podcast from Leah Remini. Body Doubling - Make yourself accountable by