Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

What if Entities Wish to Contribute to You? – Guest – Erica Glessing



Entities and Contribution - Huh?  Have you ever received "messages" from your invisible friends, that helped you through something?  Or helped you create something?  And do you have to be super smart or born of a certain culture to be able to receive messages from invisible friends?  What do You Know? (wink, wink)  We are welcoming Erica Glessing back to the studio this week, for a conversation about allowing Entities to be a contribution AND to contribute to us.  Would you be willing to have that? Erica Glessing is a publisher, a #1 best-selling author, a psychic medium, an editor, a dreamer, a bright writer, an animal communicator, a mom, a happiness coach, and a loving spirit.  Her company, Happy Publishing, is dedicated to publishing the works of light bringers around the planet. The bestselling books Happy Publishing has released in 2015 so far include “The Energy of Happiness”; “The Energy of Receiving”; “The Energy of Expansion”; with most recently, “The Energy of Healing”. You can find out more about