Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Empowering Conscious Birthing; Guest ~ Susan Shatzer



How many images have we seen and stories have you heard about the difficulties and risks of childbirth?  What is your point of view of childbirth?  And if you have children, what was your experience of birthing?  Was it difficult?  Were you empowered by your healthcare professionals?  Was your body included in the choices around your pregnancy and birthing?  Was your baby included in the choices around your pregnancy and birthing?  What else is possible for women, and their bodies, and their babies, and their partners, when it comes to pregnancy and birthing?  Keisha welcomes Susan Shatzer this week, to explore the possibilities of empowering women and babies during pregnancy and childbirth. Susan Shatzer BA, BF, BPF - Susan Shatzer is a #1 Best Selling Author for the book “I’m Having It” featured on Amazon.  She is an International Facilitator of Change and a Consciousness Revolutionary.  Susan holds a BA in Education from the University of Massachusetts and continued with her love of teaching to became a Ba