Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Having Sex With Yourself ~ with Surprise Special Guest!!



LWe round out our month-long series of conversations on Having Sex with a Surprise Special Guest, this week - talking about Having Sex With Yourself.  Yup; we're going there!  Would you be willing to choose that - literally or energetically, or both?  What might change in your life, if you were?  Essentially, it comes to the question "How willing are you, to receive You?"  Funny thing with that question, it's easy to ask it... and it's quite another thing to actually let it into your world - into your body and being.  And what if there are no wrong answers to that question?  So let's play with that, shall we? Join Keisha and her Surprise Special Guest this week, for a Funtastical dive into the possibilities of what having sex with yourself can be and create.  Are you ready to turn yourself On? Rhonda’s vibrant and exuberant personality coupled with the space of no judgment, not only invites people into the fullness and truth of themselves, but provides the catalyzing energy to quicken the time frame, allowing