Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Terms & Conditions Apply ~ with Keisha Clark



Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark How many terms & conditions are you applying to your life? Wouldn't it be great if you could just snap into to 'living on your own terms' and have truly 'unconditional' relationships?  And yet, terms & conditions can be sneaky little buggers and we can be up to our eyeballs in them before we even know what hit us!  This week we take a Beyond-Linear look at applying terms & conditions to empower ourselves, and others. Book Your Session with Keisha for the Saturday Online Psychic Fair - Coming up on Saturday, November 11th! ~ More about Living Beyond Linear with Keisha Clark ~ Are you ready to be done with trying to make sense of your life?  Or trying to make your life make sense to everyone else?  What if the life that actually works for You makes no sense, is totally unpredictable, and goes way outside the box of conventionality?  Would you be courageous enough to live that life? Keisha is a Happily Unconventional Empow