Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

A Soul By Any Other Name ~ Keisha Clark



Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark Radio Show We tend to place a bit of importance on names while we are here on this planet earth playground.  What about your name – how did it come to you?  Have you ever changed your name?  Are there names that run in your family or family history?  And what about when you are trying to communicate with a being who does not have a body; will they always “answer” to the name you knew them by, or even a specific name at all?  Do our Souls have names? If you recognize the play on a famous line from one of Shakespeare’s famous works, Romeo & Juliet ~ “…That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” ~ then you guessed it.  This week, we are exploring names and Souls, and does it matter who or what we call them?  Keisha has had some interesting experiences around this, and of course she is sharing them on the show – along with some tools to support You to be lining up with your Soul essence and living it in a way that works for You - every day.   ~ More Aligning