Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

EMF OMG! Creating EMF-Free Environments, Biohacking Wellness, and How All This Can Benefit Our Health. Feat. Gabriel Marques #446



I was fortunate enough to sit down with the multi-talented Gabriel Marques, biohacker, EMF consultant and the founder of Prasana Health. Marques has dedicated his life to understanding the intersection of technology, health, and wellness, promoting products like his acclaimed EMF-free sauna blankets that promise to revolutionize our approach to wellness. During our enlightening conversation, Marques delved into his personal journey, detailing his battle with heart disease and his subsequent recovery, an experience that led to his profound interest in EMF free environments and biohacking.  Gabriel Marques is the founder of Prasanna, a company that developed the first True ZERO EMF Infrared Sauna Blanket in the world. Check them out here.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Well Easy - the awesome online store platform that puts healthy living within your reach. There is a LOT of good stuff on there (check out the Nomato Sauce and Unrefined Bars which are insanely good). You save LOADS of money (on average pe