The Practical Stoic Podcast With Simon Drew

Stoicism & Free Speech | Jonathan Church & Kai Whiting



About Jonathan Church: Jonathan Church is an economist with two decades of experience working in the private and public sectors. His professional background is in antitrust, intellectual property, valuation, inflation, index number theory, statistics, and finance. In 2016, he began writing a weekly column for The Good Men Project, with a focus on current affairs, social justice, and masculinity. In 2018, he was diagnosed with a low-grade brain tumor, which led not only to brain surgery and radiation, but also a decision to pursue his passion for writing and scholarship without restraint. Outside of his day job and time with his daughter, he spends most of his remaining time as an independent scholar writing on economics, finance, and social justice. He has been published in Quillette, Areo Magazine, Arc Digital, The Agonist Journal, Merion West, The Good Men Project, Culturico, New Discourses, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Stoic, and The Federalist. He has also published poetry in Lummox, Big Hammer, and