The Practical Stoic Podcast With Simon Drew

Discerning the Universal Way with Rocco Jarman



The Walled Garden is a podcast and community of independent philosophers and seekers who are dedicated to the pursuit of truth, wisdom, virtue, and the divine. Led by Australian poet, philosopher, and musician Simon Drew, American philosopher, author, and speaker Sharon Lebell, and British philosopher and researcher Kai Whiting, The Walled Garden hosts regular live events and meetups with fascinating philosophers, theologians, artists, leaders, and seekers who can teach us all about how to live a flourishing existence. About Our Guest: Rocco is a Philosopher, Poet and Mystic, with a deep understanding of Hermetics and Psychology, whose game changing work in Mindfulness modalities, psychological self-repair, inner-child work, consciousness and the nature of reality form the core of popular courses and programs aimed at self-discovery and psychological self-repair and his command of poetry and archetypal language make him one of the most impressive thinkers and teachers in the present moment. He is the creator