The Practical Stoic Podcast With Simon Drew

Meaning and Madness: Human Survival in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.



This episode script was generated by Chat GPT based on prompts by Simon J. E. Drew. Register for "Chat GPT, AI Models and The Walled Garden: An Introduction to The Senate": SCRIPT The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about a new era of technological progress and potential, but it has also raised concerns about the meaning of human existence and the potential for madness. As AI becomes more sophisticated, there is a growing fear that it may surpass human intelligence, leaving us questioning our place in the world and our purpose in life. One of the key challenges posed by AI is the potential for it to replace human labor in many industries, leading to widespread job displacement and economic inequality. This could cause people to feel disconnected from their work and the broader societal structures that give their lives meaning. Additionally, the rise of AI may challenge our understanding of what it means to be human, leading to feeli