Bill Kelly Show

Is AI after your job, How could Magic Mushrooms benefit those with mood disorders & Health Canada recommending a 7th booster for COVID – Why?



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast w/ Shiona Thompson: How can workers protect themselves from losing their jobs to AI (Artificial Intelligence)? GUEST: Dr. Nita Chhinzer, Associate Professor of Leadership & Organizational Management with the University of Guelph - Magic Mushrooms have been touted as a benefit for those with mood disorders and some want them sold in shops like Cannabis. However, those with mood disorders are often already on Rx medications for things like anxiety, depression or sleep problems. Where are we on studies about the efficacy of Psilocybin? Are there any studies about interactions with Rx? GUEST: Mitchell Osak, CEO of Quanta Consulting Inc - Health Canada is recommending a 7th booster for Covid this fall. Where are we on the spread of the latest variant? What is the latest variant? Related topic: Australia is in its flu season now and it seems to be hitting children particularly hard..What about our flu season to come. GUEST: Dr. Dawn Bowdish, Tenured Professor of Pathology and Molecular M