Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Crime and Trauma Stories. Changes, Yet Most Of The Show Remains The Same.



Crime and Trauma Stories. Changes, Yet Most Of The Show Remains The Same. Special Episode. Yes, there have been some changes. And many people have questions. So for that reason, I have this special episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast. Rest assured that most of the show remains the same. Truth be told there are very few changes. The weekly radio show is syndicated by Talk Media Network and we have 110 Affiliate AM-FM US Commercial Radio Stations, broadcasting to 35 million combined population. The podcast is a top 1.5% ranked podcast and you can help us grow. What types of guests and stories fit the format? Our website, social media and more. Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer. If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend or two, or three about it. If you are able to leave an honest rating and, or, review it would be appreciated. Never miss out on an episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Radio Show and Podcast subscribe to our free email newslet