Mindful Medicine

Encore Episode: How to Behave During Arguments



When your blood is boiling and you’re not going to take it any more, it’s tough to keep your behavior in check. Arguments knock all that common sense out the window.A few guidelines can help you improve your behavior during disagreements. It’s so important to take a moment before running off at the mouth. Stop, breathe and stay calm. You have to focus on what you hope to accomplish and why you’re disagreeing. How can you be most effective in resolving this argument? You must be willing to listen. Don’t focus on just making the other person wrong. Process what he or she is saying instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next. It’s easy to get defensive and be offensive. Listening is key. Think before you speak. Will your words come across as an attack? Be sure you speak with compassion. Validate the other person’s feelings to show you’ve listened. Be sure he or she knows you care. Then, you can address any misunderstandings. Are you fighting over insignificant things like burned toast? There are buil