Becoming Fosters

Adoption Regret



Today… we are talking about a pretty ummm… squishy subject… Foster care is the willingness to provide safe space for a child until their biological family is healthy enough to reunite, but the reality is that isn’t the happy ending of all cases. There are times when reunification is no longer a viable option and adoption becoming the case goal. Adoption can be such an incredible part of a family’s story and often is, but just like with anything in life can come with great highs and low lows. We have 3 biological daughters who are 15, 14, and 12, we also have an adopted son who is 2 and an 11month old foster daughter who will become our forever daughter early next year. That is a significant age gap, and to be honest there have been moments with two babies crying in the backseat of my car that I think, “What have I done?” Maybe you have asked yourself that same question when it comes to parenting, biologically, through adoption, or foster care.  But what happens when the roller coaster of parenting and adoptio